Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Journal - Essay Example It is my grandparents who ensured that I was best placed to learn about all manner of technology since my grandfather worked at a computer manufacturing company. As a result, I was given an early exposure to technology and I am proud to say that using my computer, I have been able to make new friends through social networks as well as ensuring that I get to share class assignments and other tasks with my friends and classmates. My grandparents have also helped me to develop a calm demeanor, which has enabled me to take part in conflict management within my community and among my friends. Journal 2 I would categorize my communication skills as being above average and this can be attributed to the fact that I was raised in an environment where one was allowed to openly express himself. Living with my grandparents, I was allowed the freedom of self-expression and this enabled me, from an early age, to develop my communication skills needed to survive in the society. The strength of my c ommunication skills has been proven through the way that I have been able to present myself in various situations, which have, to an extent, made me successful. The power of having good communication skills can be considered to be among the greatest that any human being can possess, and I can gladly count myself among these privileged individuals. It has always been my wish to speak at an important function so that I can be able to show the world how good my communication skills are. However, this has not been possible because of the fact that most of my presentations have often been in a classroom situation, or during some school functions which have enabled me to gain some experience in communicating. Journal 3 I have found that the development of good social skills is essential for effective communication because of the fact that individuals are not likely to listen to a person whose social skills are not good. Good social skills are necessary in ensuring that you have the full a ttention of those individuals who are listening to you. A person with weak social skills hardly ever keeps his listeners’ concentration for long and one will find that one’s listeners would have their attention elsewhere whenever one is talking. In fact, it is normal for one to find that he has lost all but a few of his listeners, creating a situation where the communicator loses most of the confidence that he has in himself to communicate. As a result, the presentation ends up being delivered in a way that can only be said to be weak, resulting in the ineffective delivery of the intended message. If the message being delivered is found to be ineffective by the listeners, then it is likely that it will be ignored or that it might not be put into consideration. Such a situation is likely to make the presenter in a situation where he loses all his confidence of expression. Journal 4 The most common means through which individuals tend to lose interest in a listener is of ten through the presenter’s lack of confidence when addressing his audience. It is a fact that many individuals, when presenting, do not display the confidence in what they are saying in order to impress on their audience the importance of the matter which they are discussing. This has created a situation where the listeners lose interest and they end up wanting to leave almost from the moment when the presenter begins to

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