Sunday, November 10, 2019
A time to live, a time to dieâ⬠¦ Whose choice is it? Euthanasia is a topic that is rarely covered in the news. The moral ramifications of killing someone, even for the sake of mercy, seems too heavy of a topic for in depth discussion. No one wants to think about the day they will die, however when someone becomes terminally ill it can soon become their only thought. When pain and suffering enter this scenario, the option of ending a life more quickly may also enter the thought process. According to Life and Hope Network ââ¬Å"9% of all deaths inAmerica are caused by Euthanasiaâ⬠1 We are given the gift of life at birth. I believe Euthanasia is a violation of the most precious gift we are givenâ⬠¦ Life As stated by the Hospice foundation of America ââ¬Å"Hospitals (Hospice) stands for [guest house. ] Hospice is a special type of care for patients who are not able to be cured. This loving act usually comes in the patient's finals days when they have been sent home from t he hospital and are waiting for their day to come. Hospice makes their patients feel comfortable and tries to ease their pain as much as possible.The providers also re there for their families to comfort them before and after their loved ones death. ââ¬Å"2 With health care facilities caring for the sick and terminally ill patients, there are many options to choose from for a less painful way to pass than ending a life by Euthanasia. Someone once asked if using Euthanasia on animals was the same as using it on humans saying quote ââ¬Å"If we use Euthanasia to put animals out of their pain and misery why is that not the same as helping Grandma by not letting her suffer anymore? 3 Animals and humans are vastly different. The main thing that sets unmans apart is the fact that they have a soul, whereas animals do not. Ending the life of a human because they no longer see a reason to live is a horrible alternative to seeking available pain management. Human life is sacred and should no t be terminated simply because life becomes hard. Often questions arise in situations like these such asâ⬠¦ â⬠In old age do we as humans still have a life worth living? â⬠Ecclesiastic 7:17 in the Bible says ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Why should you die before your time? The Lord has a plan for everyone's life and when someone takes their life or someone else's before their time, they have disobeyed God's commands. The United States has learned a great deal about the dangers of Euthanasia and has created laws after hearing about cases such as Terry Shiva, Terry had a cardiac- respiratory arrest at 26, her doctors said it was caused by ââ¬Å"lack of oxygen to the brain. â⬠Terry was put on a feeding tube for more than 15 years and later passed away due lack of nourishment. When the court ordered the physicians to remove her feeding tube, she died 13 days later. Another case where Euthanasia was used to end an innocent life was Baby Doe, an infant baby boy who was born with D own syndrome and a hole in his throat. His parents decided that living a life like that would be unfair to him as he grew, so they asked his physician to remove his breathing tube. 6 One more scenario would be Nancy Curran, a person who was injured from an automobile accident and was left brain dead. Nanny's parent removed her feeding tube saying ââ¬Å"This is what Nancy would have wanted. â⬠That case led to the debate about families choosing life or death for individuals in a vegetative state.Nancy did not have a living will, so her parents made the suggestion of death fully on the basis of their own thinking. They weighed the question of whether Nancy loud have wanted to stay alive in such a state as she was or if she would have preferred to be taken off of her feeding tube. Dry. Jack Sovereign, better known as ââ¬Å"Dry. Death,â⬠was a man who fully supported Dry. Assisted suicide. Jack had assisted dozens of suicides and was willing to show news reporters his ââ¬Å "death machineâ⬠on the spot. He had been on trial many times for murder.Every time he won, with the statement ââ¬Å"terminally ill patients should decide how and when they wish to die. â⬠That statement left families on edge and very upset that there was no stopping this awful act. He later passed at the age of 83 dying of kidney failure. Jack, as are each of us, was promised by God that he will be face to face with Him. 2 Corinthians 5:10 declares, ââ¬Å"For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. â⬠The Bible states ââ¬Å"Do not murderâ⬠In Exodus 20:13.It also says in Matthew 12:37 ââ¬Å"For by your words you will be Justified, and by your words you will be condemned. â⬠According to the Bible murder is murder. Manmade laws however do not always count all forms of assisted death as murder. That presents the questions. â⬠Is there diffe rence between allowing someone to ask another to shoot them with a weapon or asking them to give them a shot of a deathly drug? If it is illegal to murder someone by suffocating them with a pillow, how is that different from someone asking another to suffocate them with a pillow? Although Euthanasia has varying opinions due to different situations, it is still Biblically, morally and logically wrong. The Lord tells us that we are not promised a tomorrow, but we will face Him on judgment day. We should therefore strive to obey His commands by not partaking in any form of murder, whether legal or not. It may be a difficult decision whether to stay in a hospital and receive care or to go home and have hospice come in to make the terminally ill person feel at ease. Antigone Antigens is about a princess, Antigens, who buries her brother after he and her other brother fought each other to death. As a result, King Croon wants to punish/kill Antigens for this while still him remembering that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, ââ¬Å"Where love rules, there Is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love Is lacking.The one Is the shadow of the other,â⬠is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't inning, he ruled by love, but when he became king, his love lacked and ruled by pride and power. The quotation by Carl Jung relates to Croon one way by how Croon, before he was king, ruled by love. This ruling by love was evident when Croon raised Oedipus' four kids, He was a father to them and took care of them. Whenever he could, he would settle things as If he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he became king. An example of Screen's fairness to them was since both of Oedipus' sons were both next in line to be king, Croon made a deal with them which was that the sons take turns with each other being the king for a year. Croon had his own blood- related son, Hammond, who in a scene argues with Croon, ââ¬Å"Antigens is as much your daughter as I am your sonâ⬠¦ You, to your own son, are seeking to take away what I love most without reasonâ⬠(1. 3. 8-91 p What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Antidote as a daughter. Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love and not by will power.Another way how Carl Junk's quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon became king, his love lacked, and ruled by power and pride. Whenever King Croon learned of Antigens being the one who buried her brother, his pride and power louder his judgment. ââ¬Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given lawsâ⬠¦ [your death] gives me everythingâ⬠(1. 2. 81-94). The referenced ph rase from the play Antigens, is an example of Screen's Judgment being clouded thinking that it was an act of anarchy and treason so she had to be punished/killed.Croon let pride decide the fate of Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was just to set on the idea that since he is king, than she must be punished and killed. The pride and power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and Instead of ruling by love, he ruled by power. In conclusion, that quote by Carl Jung perfectly relates to King Croon. One way that Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love rather than will power.The quote also relates to when Croon became king, pride power clouded his Judgment, and ruled by power, instead of ruling by love. By Trinitarian that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, ââ¬Å"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other,â⬠is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't kids. He was a father to them and took care of them.Whenever he could, he would settle things as if he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he most without reasonâ⬠(1. 3. 8-91)? What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Another way how Carl Jung quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon clouded his Judgment. ââ¬Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given lawsâ⬠¦ [your death] Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was Just to set on power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and instead of ruling by love, he Antigone Antigens is about a princess, Antigens, who buries her brother after he and her other brother fought each other to death. As a result, King Croon wants to punish/kill Antigens for this while still him remembering that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, ââ¬Å"Where love rules, there Is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love Is lacking.The one Is the shadow of the other,â⬠is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't inning, he ruled by love, but when he became king, his love lacked and ruled by pride and power. The quotation by Carl Jung relates to Croon one way by how Croon, before he was king, ruled by love. This ruling by love was evident when Croon raised Oedipus' four kids, He was a father to them and took care of them. Whenever he could, he would settle things as If he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he became king. An example of Screen's fairness to them was since both of Oedipus' sons were both next in line to be king, Croon made a deal with them which was that the sons take turns with each other being the king for a year. Croon had his own blood- related son, Hammond, who in a scene argues with Croon, ââ¬Å"Antigens is as much your daughter as I am your sonâ⬠¦ You, to your own son, are seeking to take away what I love most without reasonâ⬠(1. 3. 8-91 p What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Antidote as a daughter. Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love and not by will power.Another way how Carl Junk's quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon became king, his love lacked, and ruled by power and pride. Whenever King Croon learned of Antigens being the one who buried her brother, his pride and power louder his judgment. ââ¬Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given lawsâ⬠¦ [your death] gives me everythingâ⬠(1. 2. 81-94). The referenced ph rase from the play Antigens, is an example of Screen's Judgment being clouded thinking that it was an act of anarchy and treason so she had to be punished/killed.Croon let pride decide the fate of Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was just to set on the idea that since he is king, than she must be punished and killed. The pride and power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and Instead of ruling by love, he ruled by power. In conclusion, that quote by Carl Jung perfectly relates to King Croon. One way that Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love rather than will power.The quote also relates to when Croon became king, pride power clouded his Judgment, and ruled by power, instead of ruling by love. By Trinitarian that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, ââ¬Å"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other,â⬠is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't kids. He was a father to them and took care of them.Whenever he could, he would settle things as if he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he most without reasonâ⬠(1. 3. 8-91)? What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Another way how Carl Jung quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon clouded his Judgment. ââ¬Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given lawsâ⬠¦ [your death] Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was Just to set on power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and instead of ruling by love, he antigone
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