Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Migration On A Global Scale - 1470 Words

Within the last few decades, there has been a great influx of Asians who have migrated to the United States. In 1985, Asian immigrants made up less than half of the total immigrant population, many of which have settled in New York City and California. The â€Å"selective phenomenon† known as migration has been impelled by the â€Å"demographic, economic, social and psychological attributes† of the location (Desbarats 305). Migration on a global scale is influenced by factors such as available alternatives to those considering the move, how much distance is covered, ways of transportation and the state policies, both complex and restrictive, that oversee who enters and leaves. There are three stages of migration that Thais experienced. The first†¦show more content†¦Occupation became the driving force for some; the numbers of professional immigration, however, were lower than compared to other Asians. Unlike the low rate of workers, there is an â€Å"increasing number of Thai youngsters, in keeping with the national tradition of openness to Western influences† (Desbarats 306). It was believed that education through the United States would lead to professional success. Student visas were only obtained if the student had financial support as well as the incentive to go back to Thailand â€Å"usually in the form of financial ties with their home country† (Desbarats 307). Many immigrants found themselves burdened by the conditions of living in the states. The financial and psychological struggles were not worth it when immigrants were risking to â€Å"construct networks, maintain homeland ties and, ensure that remittances reach families left behind† (Barkan 19). Immigrants who stay in the states try to balance assimilation to the dominant American culture while still want to feel a sense of their homeland. They try to make a connection whether it be through food, familiar neighbors or the knowledge of language and dance which gets lost in the later generations. The â€Å"primary contact with American culture† happens through interaction with their American peers (Tangsujjapoj 3). Social participation is what breaks the way for acculturation of immigrants because it aids them in establishing their own identity

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