Thursday, September 26, 2019

What does Sartre mean by human beings existence preceding their Essay

What does Sartre mean by human beings existence preceding their essence Do you agree with his notion of radical freedom and responsibility why or why not - Essay Example It is because he himself has denied to follow the right path and indulged himself in bad deeds. So what is more important to Sartre was existence rather than essence. The reason why I agree with this philosophy is that if we think meticulously then we do agree somehow that whatever a man does, only he is himself for that. For example, let us suppose, I have spoken lie to my mother, for petty issues, like for omitting my high school or anything else. Then I do not think that my mother or father is responsible for that. It is also not that my essence is bad. Whatever I am doing, I am doing it with my own mind. I am sensible enough to differentiate between good and bad deeds and if still I opt for bad ones then it is simply my own choice. Moreover, when I keep on lying with everyone and involved in false acts then people will definitely know me as a liar. No one will think about my essence, everyone blames me for my false actions. That is why I think that Sartre is somewhat right in his sayings and notion of radical freedom and responsibility. One reason that makes me think otherwise is that everyone is not bad by birth. Criminal is not a born criminal, a liar is not a born liar. It is our society who made them so. What I believe is that if a person has good essence, then his inner can never feel gratified and contented for his false deeds. One day he surely regrets for all his actions done so far in his life. Conclusively, my opinion is a blend of yes and no to the Sartre’s notion of radical freedom. Though we are free enough to do whatever we wish. Also, sensible enough to draw a line between good and bad deeds, that is why if we are doing something good or bad that totally depends on us as well as the society where we live, our friends whose company makes a lot of difference on our personality and last but not the least our essence

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