Friday, August 16, 2019

Business memo for “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Way,” Essay

After reading Kyle Wiens’ recent article, â€Å"I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Way,† in July, 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review, I would like to make some recommendations about whether or not to add grammar testing to ABC Company’s hiring practice to improve ABC Company’s hiring standards. In Kyle’ article, he writes people who make grammar mistakes â€Å"deserve to be passed over for a job† and he puts a mandatory grammar test in hiring process. To better assess a grammar test to be a must in hiring people, Kyle emphasized the importance of grammar by giving the following reasons: 1. Grammar is relevant in all companies, not only limited to writing companies. 2. Grammar signifies people’s business sense 3. Grammar reflects one’s attention to details From the reasons showed by Kyle, grammar is really important in business. Not only does it leave the first impression of a company on the mass, but also it shows an employee’s sense to details. With the development of modern society, the competition among companies is more and more fierce. One detail could help a company to differentiate from others and make profits. To adapt to the intense competition, companies needs to recruit those who are qualified in skills and in details. The current hiring practice in ABC Company is limited in identifying person’s character on details. Grammar testing could be a litmus test that helps justify whether a person is detail-oriented to be qualified for the job. As Kyle mentions, â€Å"†¦details are everything†, I would recommend the ABC Company  to add grammar testing in hiring practices to better hiring more both skill-qualified and detailed-oriented people.

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