Friday, July 26, 2019

Assessing Iran's Nuclear Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessing Iran's Nuclear Program - Essay Example Much of the information contained in these sources commonly comes from reliable sources as publishers remain careful to avoid prosecution, for publication of misleading information to the public. The utilisation of OSINT can be utilised in gaining essential information regarding Iran’s nuclear programme. Since the country considers the capacity to produce nuclear power its right, the country is bound to release a lot of information to various sources, which can be utilised to gather intelligence reports. Numerous international news channels and media have published reports regarding the nuclear programme progress in Iran. With increased availability of media reports regarding the nuclear programme, OSINT can easily become effective source of reliable information (BBC 2006). The existing tensions between western governments and Iran cannot support the utilisation of intelligence operatives undertaking an operation within the country. Intelligence gathering can only be undertaken through the application of OSINT. Open sources have been essential in providing the entire world with information of the nuclear programme being implemented by Iran. The plan to construct a nuclear power plant by the country appears to be at advanced stages, though the construction has continued secretly (The Associated Press 2008). This secret construction continues to cause concerns over whether the intended plant will be utilised for only power production. The increased links between the country and terrorism groups, combined with the hard-line Islamic leadership, create concerns for international security. While OSINT has been effectively utilised in gaining essential information on the nuclear programme, such intelligence cannot present information regarding the objetcives of the project. The concerns about construction of nuclear weapons remain a suspicion

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