Saturday, May 11, 2019

How to Combat Corruption as a Public Administrator Research Paper

How to Combat Corruption as a Public executive director - Research Paper ExamplePublic administrators can avoid corruptness by maintaining ethical fashion as well as providing avenues such as hotlines to the members of the public and staff. In conclusion, the paper indicates that the society in countries such as Haiti and Uganda have negatively been affected by corruption that existed in the past. The US impregnable regulations and empowered FBI has made the government to effectively deal with corruption.Corruption entails fraudulent conduct by the individuals who be not only in power but also by the subjects. Basically, it involves providing asking for a payoff and providing it in order for an individual to get a favor. Being a vice that has negative jar on economical, political and social development of a country, corruption is used by the government officials for illicit private benefits such as acquiring properties and government funds. Other forms of corruption include embezzlement, extortion, abuse of power, nepotism, secernment and fraud. One of the major importances of combating corruption in the public service is that it ensures that the negativities that it brings about are abolished. Regardless of the economic position of a country, corruption is known to undermine sustainable development, threaten proper governance, negative impact on the democratic process, and impending economic growth. Within the public sector, corruption has implications that include undermining peoples confidence, impeding the effectiveness of public service, increasing the cost of public transactions, and reducing tax revenues. Thus, as a public administrator one should be in a position to put adequate measures to place corruption that has emerged as one of the challenges facing the public service globally. From a public administration perspective, corruption has affected management culture in society and ethics in work

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