Saturday, April 27, 2019

Outsourcing Policies On German Car Manufacturing Industry Research Paper

Outsourcing Policies On German Car Manufacturing Industry - seek Paper ExampleGerman machine manufacturers achieve cost-cutting through sub-contracting and outsourcing. How the process of outsourcing affected the German motor motorcar fabrication, how it is done specifically, the related laws on outsourcing and labor and the impact of the recent crisis on the process of outsourcing and sub-contracting are the questions that this make-up wishes to answer. With the aid of information coming from company reports, datamonitor, newspapers, websites, and researches, we try to examine all these aspects of outsourcing in the German car manufacturing industry.Business Process Outsourcing is one of the latest trends in business. To outsource is defined in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as to procure (as some goods or services needed by a business or organization) below contract with an outside supplier (Merriam-Webster Incorporated, 2010). This is applied in either the manufacturi ng stage, the marketing stage or after-sales stage. Germany, specifically the automobile industry is one of those that adopt business process outsourcing as part of the business.The paper go forth include a detailed study and description of the use of outsourcing practices (to include outsourcing in areas such as components manufacture, servicing and retail operations) in the automotive industry in Germany. Before going into details close different outsourcing practices, I will present a brief overview of supply chain of automotive industry which is crucial to understand in order to fully apprehend the benefits and limitations of outsourcing. Consequently, I will analyze study car manufacturers in Germany in terms of their outsourcing activities and processes. Specifically I intend to focus on tether major car producers BMW, Daimler and VW. Their websites contain detailed annual reports that include also information relevant to outsourcing. In addition, I found substantial amoun t of information in Datamonitor database about specific outsourcing practices of each car manufacturer as well as trends, competitive landscape and supply chain analysis for world(a) automotive industry, specific countries, particularly Germany.A necessary part of the paper is an investigation of the effect of outsourcing policies on German car manufacturing companies in the past and in the present. The comparison between the past and the present will be to ascertain the effect of financial crisis and how it has changed the policies and practices of the car manufacturing companies regarding their outsourcing policies. The Research Questions and ObjectivesResearch QuestionsTo formulate

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